How to Refer to Us

We've seen a lot of people get confused by the many names we go by, and so this page exists to disambiguate.

Firstly, we are plural, and therein lies the initial complexity. Different members of our system will inherently have different names and pronouns, even among the more "publicly-presenting" members. If you know us in more personal conversation, you will probably get to know a few more of these members than present obviously online, but for the ones you'll see on our social media and on this website...


In collective or when crediting us (e.g. as the author credit for The Abuser's Guide to Transmisogyny ), our collective system name is Wyatt fractal Starlight. Note the "f" in "fractal" is always lowercase, it is not capitalized like most names are.

When interacting with us online in conversation, such as on our social media or if you know us loosely on discord, the most common fronter you'll encounter is fractal (same lowercasing rules apply, even at the beginnings of sentences). Wyatt also sometimes speaks separately, but it is generally safe to refer to me as fractal rather than Wyatt in conversation.

Yes, I know fractal is listed as the middle name even though it is the more common name to refer to me by. Yes, this is important.

Other system members may also speak occasionally, but they will usually specify who they are by means of pluralkit or signing the post or any other similar methods, and as such you will not need to assume.


Collectively, our pronouns are it/she in that order. When referring to us in collective, both it/its and she/her pronouns are fine.

Individually, fractal's pronouns are it/she as well, unless you are uncomfortable with it/its pronouns, in which case its pronouns are exclusively it/its.